February 21, 2025

New York Mets Making Great Strides in 2nd Half of Regular Season

Yoenis Cespedes, New York Mets outfielder Yoenis Cespedes, New York Mets outfielder

VIDEO Discussion: Terry Collins and Sandy Alderson heard Mets fans loud and clear and made big moves

Yes, “the Mets are back,” declared Brooklynfans.com reporter Jason Schott!

“The day that will be the turning point of the Mets, July 23rd, … (New York Mets Manager) Terry Collins sent out a lineup with John Mayberry Jr. and Eric Campbell 4 and 5, both hitting around 170…so the next day fine, (New York Mets General Manager) Alderson went out and got a couple of hitters. They got Juan Uribe and Kelly Johnson, the effect on Lucas Duda was incredible, nine home runs in eight games since those guys showed up. Then, a week later, right at 4 o’clock on the deadline (after Wilmer Flores fiasco),….he gets an even better guy, he gets Yoenis Cespedes. So you have Cespedes and Duda 3,4 in the order that’s as good as any righty, lefty as anybody in the league,” explained Jason Schott.

“With Cespedes’ addition to the lineup, Duda’s had three home runs in the last three games, he’s being effective immediately,” What’s The 411Sports host Gregory Alcala added.

“The Mets’ offense has been in the bottom of the league this whole year. It’s like the weirdest balance when you have, might have a top 5 pitching rotation in the bullpen, but you have one of the worst offenses in the league, and when you have that kind of pitching around you, young pitching and everybody being elite, you got to go for it and I think that is what Sandy (Alderson) recognized and he was finally able to get something done,” continued Gregory Alcala.

“I think people were concerned about Sandy not pulling the trigger,” chimed in What’s The 411Sports host Glenn Gilliam.

“Nobody believed Sandy Alderson would actually go for it…”, responded Jason Schott. “This team, they should win the NL East…they should get by the underachieving Nationals and then…the playoffs.”

“And, this is from a Yankees fan over here guys, so you know it’s good information. I couldn’t be happier about it. I’ve got a big family of Mets supporters and we’re not biased here, but we love our Mets!,” exclaimed Glenn Gilliam.

Last modified on Sunday, 11 October 2015 11:49
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