February 22, 2025

Former John Jay High School Assistant Football Coach allegedly ordered students to go after referee

The country took notice when a video showing two high school football players blindsiding a referee went viral.

The video, shot during a game on September 4th, shows what appears to be a targeted attack on an unsuspecting official. People were outraged and wondered what would prompt such an action by two teenagers. This act brought national attention to John Jay High School in San Antonio, TX and scrutiny of the two individuals involved, 15-year-old Victor Rojas and 17-year-old Michael Moreno.

It has been alleged that the referee, Robert Watts, used the N- word towards players on the team in addition to hurling offensive language to the Latino players on the field. Coach Breed admitted to the head coach and school principal that he ordered the players to attack the referee.
Mack Breed has resigned from his position.

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